Instruction Testosterone Enanthate

More and more athletes discover the advantages that modern steroid medicines have. A vivid example is Testosterone Enanthate, the release of which is engaged in a well -known pharmacological brand. The European company has earned a good reputation, so customers know very well what effect can be expected while taking.

Preparations for competitions leads to the fact that the body is faced with very high loads, which is possible to compensate for the intake of steroids. They are an accurate analogue of substances secreted by the body during life.

If we compare Testosterone Enanthate with testosterone, then the difference between them will be in the absence of a position in one carbon atom. Such a modification made it possible to increase the anabolic index by 150 percent, and the androgenic indicator decreased to 50 percent. Aromatization is practically excluded that for many athletes it becomes a key reason to try the medication in action.

Steroid profile of the drug

  • Anabolic activity – 150%;
  • Androgenic activity – thirty%;
  • minimum conversion to estrogens;
  • high progestogen activity;
  • Lack of hepatotoxicity.

Injections are useful for bodybuilders in that as the main ingredient in the composition they have Testosterone Enanthate.

Pharmacological action Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate as an active component has a small estrogenic effect. Since it is a long ether, the drug slowly and gradually affects the body. The peak reaches the maximum 7 days after injection. There is an increased level of male sex hormone in the blood for 3 weeks after the injection Testosterone Enanthate ampoules.

Testosterone Enanthate is a white crystalline powder, easily soluble in oil. This anabolic steroid in the natural environment in the athlete's body is synthesized after heavy physical exertion.

For the first time anabolic steroid with Testosterone Enanthate as an active component was invented in 1962. Due to the practical lack of side effects, since then Testosterone Enanthate injections are very popular among bodybuilders.

What effects do Testosterone Enanthate have?

Testosterone Enanthate should buy an athlete who needs increased protein synthesis in the body. Taking the drug contributes to the disposal of nitrogen, chlorides, phosphates. Testosterone Enanthate You need to buy a bodybuilder who wants to quickly increase muscle mass and strengthen the bones.

Useful Testosterone Enanthate with osteoporosis. The phenomenon of rollback after the course is minimal. Testosterone Enanthate will buy a bodybuilder who wants to get 8 kg of high -quality muscle mass in just a month.
Testosterone Enanthate The cost is affordable, but the drug has many positive useful effects on the body. In addition to strengthening bones and muscle growth, Testosterone Enanthate contributes to the synthesis of natural collagen. Thus, the ligaments become more durable, less the risk of injury during heavy physical exertion.

Side effects

Testosterone Enanthate side effects can cause the following:

  • progression of atherosclerosis in its presence;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • liver diseases;
  • pain in long tubular bones;
  • dark chair;
  • headache;
  • carcinoma;
  • dark urine;
  • hives;
  • hepatitis;
  • staining the skin in yellow;
  • Hoirism in women and men;
  • gynecomastia;
  • priapism;
  • prostate carcinoma.

The risk of side effects when taking Testosterone Enanthate The solution is very low. It grows only if the recommended dosage is exceeded.

The course of admission

Before starting the course, it is worth studying information about that Testosterone Enanthate how to accept correctly:

  • Duration Testosterone Enanthate the course is a maximum of 8 weeks;
  • The optimal reception time – 6 weeks;
  • Average dosage per week – 600 mg;
  • To increase the effect, you need to repeat the course after some time;
  • The effectiveness is zero if Testosterone Enanthate dosage is very reduced.

Order Testosterone Enanthate is a bodybuilder who does not like to do frequent injections. Action 1 injection lasts 15 days.

Testosterone Enanthate Buying without a prescription will be useful in combination with other anabolic steroids, because the receiving solo has many disadvantages. It is recommended to add testosterone broadcasts to the course. Testosterone Enanthate is worth buying complete with drugs such as Testosterone Enanthate.

Testosterone Enanthate The price is low, so many professional bodybuilders can afford to combine it with the oustanon and metandrosthenolone for the best effect.

Before buying Testosterone Enanthate, you need to abandon glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids. There is no food during the course, in which there is a lot of sodium. If you neglect this rule, a high risk of acne and edema.